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La Sonata Homeowners Association
La Sonata Homeowners Association
Please note: there is no user login available for residents


In this area you will find our newsletter, La Sonata Notes, and information on volunteer opportunities, and Frequently Asked Questions.

La Sonata Notes Newsletter Stay informed of events, happenings, and updates for La Sonata. Published bi-monthly. If you wish to contribute to the page, please email

Committees  Committees  are a necessary part of any HOA. La Sonata HOA invites you to be a part of how our neighborhood grows! We currently have several committees that need not only members, but Chairpersons as well. The time required and duties usually require little time on average, but each person volunteering a little time makes a BIG difference in our neighborhood!

FAQs  Here you will find information on Frequently Asked Questions about La Sonata. What day does trash or recycling run? How do I work with a neighbor with a barking dog? How do I pay my HOA Dues and when are they due? All of these questions and many more are found on the FAQ page. This page is updated frequently depending on what is going on in the neighborhood, and what questions are being asked in social media.

Neighborhood Watch/Patrol On this page you will find information about Neighborhood Watch and Neighborhood Patrol. You will learn the differences between the two programs. Currently La Sonata HOA only participates in the Neighborhood Watch program. Most reports on suspicious activity is posted to our social media pages on Facebook and Nextdoor app. Please see below for additional tips on how to secure your vehicles.

Neighborhood Information This page will give you information about utilities, schools, and various City of Oklahoma City offices.

The Architectural Review Form  MUST be submitted for changes to the exterior of the property. This includes paint color, change in fencing (not replacement of the same) stain color, installation of a storage building, or other structure such as patio cover, etc. Please fill in the form completely, attaching any building plans, including color choices. Please be sure to get the signature of any neighbor who's line of sight may be affected if you project breaks the top of the fence line- this is the neighbors on each side of you as well as the three behind you. Their signatures do not indicate approval of the project, just that they are aware of the plan and may contact the La Sonata HOA Board of Directors with any objections or questions.


We want to remind all residents to be aware and immediately report any suspicious activity, vehicles and individuals to the OKC Police Department. The patrol dispatch number is (405) 231-2121.

We encourage all of you to follow the below safety tips to ensure you are not victims to vehicle theft.


  • Never leave keys in the car or ignition, inside a locked garage, or in hide-a-key boxes.
  • Always roll up your windows and lock the car, even if it is parked at your home.
  • Always keep valuables or property hidden out of sight or locked in the trunk.
  • If your vehicle is stolen, report it to the police immediately. You may also want to keep a copy of your license plate and vehicle identification number on hand in case of theft, since police will need this information to take a report.
Car thieves are always looking for a car out on the street. If your car isn't on the street, it's less likely to get stolen or broken into.
Just like the "Protected by ADT" signs in front of houses deter burglars, so do visual signs of a tougher job for a car thief. In a row of cars, the one with the blinking LED indicating an alarm is probably less likely to get stolen.
Here's a scenario: you see Car One with a box of tissues on the floor. In front of that car is Car Two in which an iPod, navigation system, and a watch are strewn about the passenger's seat. Are you more tempted to break into Car One or Car Two? Pretty simple really — make it seem like there's nothing in your car worth taking.
This one seems so simple, and yet is so often ignored. A thief looking for a car to steal is more likely to go for the vehicle whose owner was kind enough to complete his first step for him, and has given him open access to everything inside.